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Many Moons Ago

29 May

Wordpress moons


Many, many, moons ago I posted a Missed Connection ad in Craigslist. Do you guys remember? If not here is the link to that post . Well it turns out that one the many gentlemen who were gracious enough to take the time to respond found out that I had written about my Missed Connection ad and that I had shared his response on my blog.

His response to my Criagslist ad:

photo 2


Not wanting to lose that special connection we once had he decided to leave me a comment:



Could it be that even after all this he is still interested? Should I stop shaving and let my fur start growing out? After all, he does seem to have a sense of humor and isn’t that what every girl wants in a man? Maybe….. jusssssst maybe he is my Mr. Right or perhaps after I post this I will mysteriously  disappear and will  never be seen or heard of again.

Just in case :/ someone check up on me in a month or so.

Mr. Nottafastguy kudos to you for having a sense of humor and I promise this is the last time I mention you. Unless you decide to reply to another one of my missed connection 🙂 Bwahaha Bwahaha

I just don’t learn 🙂

P is for Procrastinate

22 Apr


Pro·cras·ti·nate: [proh-kras-tuh-neyt]

To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.


So if blogs had social workers I’m 100% sure I’d be visited my them, I’m also pretty sure I’d be court ordered to take blogging classes. I’ve been neglecting it in such a way that I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t blogged since  (I’ll be right back I need to go check the date) February  26th! February 26th that’s 8weeks or 56 days ago. Wow! Now if only I had a good enough excuse to give you all, maybe If I told you I was out saving puppies and kittens or out curing world hunger it wouldn’t be so bad.  But sadly it’s just plain laziness and lack of creativity.

I did however google how to Stop Procrastinating and I found a small list

1. Stop thinking. Start doing.

The thing here is if I stop thinking then I wont know what to do.

2. Don’t blow a task out of proportion.

If I don’t blow it out of proportion then its not important enough for me to do, so why even do it?

3. Just take the first step.

For me the first step is to eat something but after I eat I’m usually to full to do anything else

4. Start with the hardest task of your day.

This I can do! I always make it out of bed no matter how much it pains me to leave it.

5. Just make a decision. Any decision.

Hazelnut or Caramel coffee? Decisions decisions

6. Face your fear.

I’m not fearful of laziness I embrace it.

7. Finish it.

I’m done with this list now


Well fellow readers I’ll see you in 8weeks again.

Missed Connections

1 Jan


It’s the very first day of 2012 and I find myself a bit bored so what did I decide to do? What better way to keep myself entertained but to take the Craigslist: Missed Connections Writing Challenge that my fellow blogger Tom from Shouts from the Abyss posted way back last year Smile head on over to his page and read what he posted.

The challenge is this: Write your own “Missed Connections” post for the Craigslist forums. In case you didn’t know, that’s the section of Craigslist reserved for real life encounters where you got excited, were too chicken, then later wished you had hooked up. (Had sex.)

This is fiction folks. So keep it real. There is no word limit or rules of any kind. For bonus points actually go to Craigslist and post your entry (in the locale of your choice) and see what kind of responses you get.

Take your time, think it over, then post it on your own blog to participate in the “challenge,” if you wanna. If not, that’s cool, too. I’ll be the one looking you up on Craigslist. Peace. Out.

So here is what I posted in my city’s Craigslist:

“You were driving on the 405 South when you purposely cut me off. By what I could tell on your side view mirror you have a full dark beard and nice hairy, hairy arms. You were talking on your phone in a lifted dark green F-350 XL with the windows down. We caught eyes several times and I’m sure you couldn’t have missed my "you’re number one" finger sign because we finally smiled at each other while slowly traveling down the 405. This was last week sometime during morning rush hour. YOU looked HOT and I’d love to see more of that fur! Email me if you read this and on the subject line include make and color of my vehicle.


I just did this today so I don’t have any responses just yet! But stay tuned I will be posting all if any replies here on my blog.

Let me and my pal Tom at Shouts know if you too decide to get crazy  in 2012 and post your own missed connection.

Hey, who knows maybe I’ll find Mr.Right

A Tan and Freckles

15 Aug


This summer I have found myself  going to the beach almost every weekend. It has helped me a bit to get out of my usual daily routine. But I have come across a small problem or two, you see I’m normally very light skin so I burn/tan very easily and have now found myself looking more like George Hamilton and Snooki then the Pkitass we have all come to know and love.  The sun also causes me to pop out more freckles, *pop* see there’s a new one now *pop* and there’s another one.

Even my sister this past weekend commented on how dark I looked and that I had way to many more freckles.

Evilo: Daaaamn……..pretty soon you’re just going to be one big freckle.

Me: Yeah, *sigh* thanks I love you too.

Yes, I lather on the sun block every time I go out. I’ve gone so far as to purchase a 100 spf sunblock for my face but I don’t think its working *pop* dam it! stupid freckles stop it already. *pop*

So does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get my regular skin color back? Maybe an old country remedy to remove freckles? Bleach, sandpaper, lemon? at this point I’ll try anything just don’t ask me to stop going to the beach.

*pop, pop, pop* I give up!

Ensenada Adventure

9 Aug


So this weekend I drove down to Ensenada Baja California Mex. to visit my sister and her kids. I won’t bore you all with the details but let just say the drive there took 4 hrs and the drive back was 7 hrs! My sister can’t say I don’t love her. 11 hours of my precious weekend wasted just so I can see my lovely sister and nephews.






So what do you think we did with the little precious time that we had?

Well go planking of course!

Have you heard about Planking? Planking is the new craze sweeping across the states, why even Hugh Hefner has planked. Planking consists of  lying flat on your stomach with your arms and hands by your side and your legs and feet pointed straight out.  Usually someone else will then  take a photo and post it on  social networking sites.

It seems harmless enough right? Actually it’s a very dangerous act. A man in Australia plunged to his death from a 7th story balcony. Police said the man, in his 20s, fell from a balcony railing in Brisbane while a friend photographed him attempting a planking stunt.


Yeah we got a couple of odd looks from people but who cares we were having fun!



I also caught my sister’s kissing her new boyfriend.




Till next time!



Making The Tree Look Taller

21 Jun


How come I had never seen or heard about these videos before? Is it because I’m not a man, there for have no reason to make my tree look taller? But what about my back and chest hair? You know I could have used some pointers!  Anyways I heard about one of these videos on The Pretty Good Podcast and of course curiosity got the best of me, I had to rush on over to my computer  to check out the video for myself. It turns out Gillette put a bunch of videos on YouTube to show guys how to, well, shave different parts of their body.

Not wanting to be a selfish hostess on my own blog, I decided to share a couple of the videos with all of you. I believe this may also count as a Public Service Announcement.

Girls you can thank me later.Winking smile

Warning: You might not want to watch the first video with your kid sitting in your lap or standing by you.

Side note: Just because the actors on these videos are blue does not mean they are in anyway related to me.Freezing






Choco Bueller’s Day Off

10 Jun

You might ask yourself… Why Pkitass? Why?? Why do you take so many chances and try to get free coffee from unsuspecting businesses when you can just fork over a couple of dollars at the local coffee shop and buy coffee like the rest of us?

Let me explain…

As our generation slowly progresses further and further into adulthood, I’ve noticed that youth is truly wasted on the young. Imagine all the things you could have done when you were young and carefree. No work… No Bills… No Kids… No mortgage… Just the vast unadulterated future ahead full of wondrous possibilities.

I, along with most others from the cool 80’s generation, have begun to miss the carefree days of parachute pants and the awesome original MTV videos. One of my fondest memories of Junior High was when there was a teacher assembly scheduled for half a day. Instead of sending everyone home, they gathered us in the auditorium and showed Ferris Bueller’s day off.

So, unlike others (ehm ehm) that buy insanely expensive fancy German sports cars and blast “Land down under” with the top down, my attempt at regaining my youth is to be mischievous and get away with my playfully naughty coffee adventures just like Ferris got away with his day off.

In the resonantly famous words of Ferris: “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while you can miss it!”



A Chococat Adventure

3 Jun

Its not the adrenaline pumping thrill of the chase that scars me..

Getting potentially caught doesn’t scare me…

Embarrassment… Awkwardness… Humiliation… Harassment….  HA!!! I laugh at thee!!!

What scares  me might you ask?  Well, when it comes to my weekly coffee escapade, what scares me the most is how my sensitive tummy is going to react to the sludgy mud water a vast majority of institutions somehow consider to be coffee.

So for this weeks big adventure, Chococat, with his cool and suave Sinatra Fedora on, will show you how I get into a business that I know for a fact has somewhat decent coffee.

Since Chococat felt suave and smooth with his classic fedora, we decided to record our intrusion with a black and white 1920’s homage.



Secret Post

25 May


Below is a secret post written in invisible ink. In order to read it you will need to print it out and hold it in front of a light bulb or a candle. But its much easier if you have the special glasses I mailed out last week.

Enjoy ! Open-mouthed smile

This post really isn’t about anything, I just wanted to see how many people would try to read it or actually print it out and hold in front of a light bulb or candle.

I swear if you can figure out how to  read this message then you’re the bomb! Give yourself a pat in the back.

Also please write the following sentence and finish it to prove that you read this.

“Jump in, Jump out, Jump______”

Now SHHHHH don’t tell anyone about this.


Sometimes I Just Want to Kiss You

12 May


Need I say more?