Tag Archives: driving

Missed Connection Replies

26 Feb

Back in January I decided to play along with Tom from Shouts from the Abyss and place a Missed Connection ad on Craigslist. Here is the ad I posted on January 1st 2012:

“You were driving on the 405 South when you purposely cut me off. By what I could tell on your side view mirror you have a full dark beard and nice hairy, hairy arms. You were talking on your phone in a lifted dark green F-350 XL with the windows down. We caught eyes several times and I’m sure you couldn’t have missed my "you’re number one" finger sign because we finally smiled at each other while slowly traveling down the 405. This was last week sometime during morning rush hour. YOU looked HOT and I’d love to see more of that fur! Email me if you read this and on the subject line include make and color of my vehicle.


At that time I also promised you all that any replies I received would be posted on here. Since I like to be a woman of my word, today I’m making good on that promise, yes perhaps it’s been over a month, some may even say close to two month but just like the saying goes “Better late then never” now without further ado…..


Now here’s a guy who knows what he wants, what girl wouldn’t fall for this? I mean its straight to the point, no mind games here.


Nottafastguy: Fur fetish? and a girl that flys the finger easily.. I like it.. I have a fur fetish too.. are you furry? yum

I can be furry it all depends what kind of  fur coat or costume you get me.

World traveler deerhunter78: are you talking about me? my name is Jay

I may or may not have been talking about you, I guess he’ll never really know.


Geodelove: Was I in a drown car?

It wasn’t raining that day so I certainly hope he wasn’t drowning in his car.


Sandra taylorgnyfm: Do you want some fun ? 🙂

I thought the whole point of this post was to have fun.


Francisca S: I am free if you’re down. I’m at home all by myself in woodland hills, can you come over?

Wow! Francisca, I don’t usual go that way but for you I just might come over.


Cindymwilliams30: Hello, i saw your post, I’m cindy, a navy officer, I will like to know more about you please reply if you’re very serious thanks.

Well I’ve all ways had a thing for men in uniform. I wonder if it also applies for women?


Abbypark85: hey there- do you like Ulluco? You could come around to my apartment and have some with me before getting started with some fun……… 🙂

I had to look up Ulluco because I didn’t know what it was but once I found out it’s a root vegetable, I‘m curious to know exactly what kind of fun she had in mind with it?



Stephen sp10979: so you like fur do ya..  send me your pic .. here is mine.

First of all Stephen you don’t look furry to me ! Second, may I recommend a good jock strap?

softball revised2


Pamela morrowtara50: Hi there, want to hook up outside Ross? Maybe we could view an old dvd movie with each other in the future like Breathless XXXX

Pamela did you want us to go shopping first at Ross? Thanks for the movie recommendation I haven’t seen Breathless yet.


Willjackson11111: I’m generous….Hi Love,

Employment History

Garden of Eden     “Bouncer”                      Jan6th -  Present

Pig N’ Whistle          “Bouncer”                                     Sept 7 to Present

Nastec International                    “Rover”                                            Sept 5 to Present

La Vida Lounge                “Bouncer”                                               August 5 to Present

Academic Information


           Cumulative:                         2.94                             Major: Communication

            UNT GPA:                          2.92                             Minor: Spanish

            GPA in Major                     2.95


            Cumulative: 3.52                                                   Intercultural Communications

PhD. Student                                                       

            Cumulative: 3.33                                                   Intercultural Communications


Will was nice enough to include his resume complete with references, plus several pictures of himself and pictures of his, not very impressive, junk.  I came very close to posting the picture of his “junk”. However, proper decorum  prohibited me from doing so! Especially to a PhD candidate Bouncer!  Thanks for applying Mr WillJackson, but your GPA was not quite high enough for me!  Only Summa Cum Laude need apply!




And there you have it my fellow readers the cream of the crop on craigslist. I’m going to have to pass on all of them for now, but Francisca I’ve got my eye on you baby Winking smile

If you were me who would you pick?

My Private Space

21 Jul

When I’m out working the streets, not as a lady of the night, but rather dropping off or picking up things for the office, obstacles always seem to get in the way. There are days where I find myself driving around the same block over and over and over again. Like a merry-go-round at an amusement park, i just seem to go around and around and around and around. I can end up doing this for 20 mins or more especially in downtown LA or Beverly Hills. I don’t even chance trying to park illegally, even if I know it’s only going to be for a second or two, because the minute I take 2 steps away from the car, magically out of nowhere there will be a meter-maid writing up a ticket. And I’m sure all of us have experienced the dreaded conversation where we tell them “but I’m standing right here!” Their ubiquitous response as always, much like the burger joint cashier always asking “would you like fries with that?”, “too late I already started writing the ticket”. Uggggh oh bother!

Maybe I should do as this lady does and make my own parking space.
Don’t you think it’s a great idea?
Let me know what you think?