Tag Archives: Twilight

Los Angeles At Dusk

21 Sep



Don’t Judge Me On The 4th

4 Jul

I know, I know you don’t have to tell me what the most common things to do over the 4th of July holiday are. Many people will spend hours out in the sun watching parades, enjoying cookouts, spending time at the pool, playing outdoor sports, and going to local lakes, beaches and rivers, especially with their family and friends.

I however do not enjoy being in the sun and getting sunburned. My skin is fair and it burns easily. Believe me, I have had my share of fun in the sun and have paid for it dearly.
Then there is the risk of getting heat stroke, another thing I have also had the pleasure of experiencing. I’ll pass on the nausea, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, dizziness and the feeling of burning up inside.


So to avoid all this and still enjoy the day, I’m going to the movies instead with SiSi. We are planning on watching Eclipse the Twilight Saga based on the book written by Stephanie Meyer. Yes I’ve read all of the books in the series so why not watch the darn movie. Then we plan on sneaking into Toy Story 3.  We are so bad but it’s so much fun to see if we can.

Maybe when we get back we can go to the roof top and watch the fireworks. I’m sure Van Nuys won’t disappoint, we might also get to listen to the sirens of police, fire trucks and ambulances as they rush around trying to stop drunken fights, put out fires and help the people who have burned  themselves or lost a finger or two.

Fun Times!

To Everyone Happy 4th of July!!