Archive | September, 2011

Los Angeles At Dusk

21 Sep



My Back and Freaky Deaky Sex

8 Sep

Sometimes I suffer from back pain. Not excessively, but when I do it sure does a number on me. I  spend lots of time sitting  at a computer and a considerable amount driving long distances. It also doesn’t help that I have big breasts and will lift 40-50lbs boxes up flight of stairs if asked or needed.  This week I find myself  conquering back pain again. But I think I know the reason why I ‘m in pain no it’s not really because I got all acrobatic during sex nor did I decide to have a long weekend sexcapade. I think it was my trip to the beach on Sunday and the wave that made me it’s bitch. Yes, I got knocked down by a wave and somehow rolled around for a second just to come up from the water to be knocked out again! (Here’s a tip for you DO NOT turn your back to the waves even if the Lifeguard is cute looking  or to stare at  lifeguard with the  1980’s porn star brostache).  At the time my back didn’t  hurt but the next morning I was a little stiff and with slight dull pain but by Tuesday it was a full blown painful to stand or walk.  Its now Thursday and the pain continues, lets see how long I can take it before I give up and decide to go to a doctor.

Honestly I just wanted to remind everyone that I have big boobies Open-mouthed smile



Foster Kitten, Wordless Wednesday

7 Sep

I’ve got nothing for today so here are pictures of my foster kitten
