Tag Archives: Sister

A Tan and Freckles

15 Aug


This summer I have found myself  going to the beach almost every weekend. It has helped me a bit to get out of my usual daily routine. But I have come across a small problem or two, you see I’m normally very light skin so I burn/tan very easily and have now found myself looking more like George Hamilton and Snooki then the Pkitass we have all come to know and love.  The sun also causes me to pop out more freckles, *pop* see there’s a new one now *pop* and there’s another one.

Even my sister this past weekend commented on how dark I looked and that I had way to many more freckles.

Evilo: Daaaamn……..pretty soon you’re just going to be one big freckle.

Me: Yeah, *sigh* thanks I love you too.

Yes, I lather on the sun block every time I go out. I’ve gone so far as to purchase a 100 spf sunblock for my face but I don’t think its working *pop* dam it! stupid freckles stop it already. *pop*

So does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get my regular skin color back? Maybe an old country remedy to remove freckles? Bleach, sandpaper, lemon? at this point I’ll try anything just don’t ask me to stop going to the beach.

*pop, pop, pop* I give up!

Ensenada Adventure

9 Aug


So this weekend I drove down to Ensenada Baja California Mex. to visit my sister and her kids. I won’t bore you all with the details but let just say the drive there took 4 hrs and the drive back was 7 hrs! My sister can’t say I don’t love her. 11 hours of my precious weekend wasted just so I can see my lovely sister and nephews.






So what do you think we did with the little precious time that we had?

Well go planking of course!

Have you heard about Planking? Planking is the new craze sweeping across the states, why even Hugh Hefner has planked. Planking consists of  lying flat on your stomach with your arms and hands by your side and your legs and feet pointed straight out.  Usually someone else will then  take a photo and post it on  social networking sites.

It seems harmless enough right? Actually it’s a very dangerous act. A man in Australia plunged to his death from a 7th story balcony. Police said the man, in his 20s, fell from a balcony railing in Brisbane while a friend photographed him attempting a planking stunt.


Yeah we got a couple of odd looks from people but who cares we were having fun!



I also caught my sister’s kissing her new boyfriend.




Till next time!



No Inhibitions or Int’l Spy?

3 Mar


Some where between here and there, right in the middle of no where,  you will find my sister and her two sons in hiding.

Two adorable little boys that I hardly get to see because they live with their mommy in a small town I like to call “The middle of nowhere”.  The only way I get to interact with them is via Facebook when my sister posts pictures. A couple of weeks ago she sent me an email with an attachment. As I excitedly and eagerly went to open the email, I thought to myself  hmmmm, that’s odd, she didn’t  include any information with the email. As I sat looking at the email, not yet ready to open it, I started imagining what she could have emailed me? Perhaps some naughty pictures of nude male models? Legal documents stating that I am the sole heir of our parents  secret VAST fortune? A computer virus? I don’t think I’ve upset her lately…… I know it’s the secret recipe to her pasta dish that my daughter so LOVES (Ketchup and Elbow noodles Anyone?)

Truly this email must have been very important and sent in such a hurry  that she didn’t have time to write anything else. Maybe she’s an international spy and has sent me pictures to safe guard, and perhaps leak to the press, in case anything bad happens to her. Maybe it’s  stolen plans to the a super secret new generation Soviet  Nuclear ballistic submarine? Pictures from Area 51? The real Kennedy assassin? What could it possibly be?

I begin to think that in reality, all this time that she has been “conveniently away”, she has been training in a special Int’l Spy School.  And the two kids I believe to be my nephews are her Special Op’s Team.  Now it all makes sense!!  The reason she hardly visits or, when she does grace us with her presence, it’s usually for a couple of  hours or if I’m real lucky she will stay for a day. I wonder is it because if she did stay longer then that I would eventually discover that the kids, which  I lovingly think are my nephews, are in actuality super midgets spies  in disguise!

After sitting at my desk for a few hours wondering if I should open the email or not, I finally mustered enough courage to open her attachment.  To my delighted surprise, I did find some naughty pictures! But of my youngest nephew running in the nude on the beach. Or did she send me nude pictures of one of her special ops team member, celebrating in the nude on a beach in the Mediterranean, after a successful over throw of an abusive dictator? Huh! Both Egypt and Libya are on the Mediterranean aren’t they?   I guess I’ll never really know. But just in case the midget spies get a hold of this blog……… Viva La Resistance!!!!

               photo 2                                         photo 1

Happy Birthday, You

3 Aug


 26 years ago I still collected Hello Kitty stickers, pencils and erasers. My favorite pastime was to slide down the stairs on a cardboard box. It was 1984 and I just had turned 11 that year. The Karate Kid, Beverly Hills Cop and Gremlins were showing in theaters. Wake me up before you go go by Wham the Relfex by Duran Duran were playing on the radio, and the summer Olympics was held in Los Angeles. It was that year that I first set eyes on her. She was pointed out to me thru the glass window that separated us. She was so tiny and hairy that I ended up saying “she looks like a monkey! I think you’re showing me the wrong one” . Never the less she was the one that showed up at the door a few days later.   

26 years ago I met my little sister, the monkey that would end up being attached to my hip for so many years. She was a handful from the start, there was no stopping her. She was all over the place, crawling and hiding in empty diaper boxes, hiding in closets and cupboards. I can still hear her screaming in delight as I pushed her down a steep hill in her stroller while she flapped her arms and yelled at the top of her lungs ‘“Mas Mas Mas!!”     

  She no longer is a tiny hairy monkey but a grown woman and a mother of 2. Regardless of how old she gets, to me she will forever be that little girl that cried to have her hair glued back on, went to church meetings with her little yellow chair, always wanted to eat something different than what was offered, and the pain in the butt kid that would follow me everywhere. 

Happy birthday you spoiled brat!