Tag Archives: Chula

The Cool Kid On The Block

24 Jul
Its official! SiSi is a proud member of the “Cool Kids” (giggeling uncontrollably! Ha ha ha! Cool kids) I, like most of you know, since you read my blog religiously, have been taking SiSi to consult an orthodontist these past few weeks. Well…..enough with the consultations! Today was the day of days we went in to have her braces installed.  She told me yesterday that she was excited and scared at the same time. She had major concerns that she wouldn’t look cool enough to fit in with the rest of the Cool crowd, and only slightly concerned about the pain factor.  Can you imagine! She was so excited to get her braces that she even woke up on her own! I didn’t have to kick her out of bed or pour water on her like I usually do every day.  What’s next? She’s going to start craving broccoli? This girl was clearly not my daughter! She was up, showered and ready to go before I was.

At the orthodontist, before the installation of the medieval metal mouth torture pieces, we were given a little lesson about how to care for the braces and what she can and cannot eat.  I did get a laugh or two when she was told about how to care for the head gear, the look on her face was priceless. Her eyes popped out and in an expression of downright shock descended upon her face; I could tell she was ready to back out.  “No one had ever mentioned about wearing headgear” she protested irritably.  Good thing she doesn’t need to use headgear at all, it’s just something they say in their speech.

After almost 3hours sitting in the reception area, with a quick in and out visit from Chula, and withholding the urge to answer their phones (they sound just like the phones at work), Sisi finally came out all smiles and so very proud of her new braces!!!! He He He…. Im still giggeling about her thinking she’s a cool kid!!!!

one cool kid

Braces & Glasses

13 Jul

Chula is in town again today, to play the role of daddy Warbucks for the benefit of Sisi’s orthodontic care.

For as long as I can remember Sisi has wanted glasses and braces. In my day if you wore glasses you’d get teased and made fun, now combine that with braces; you now have a never ending tease fest. Thank goodness I never needed either one. It was bad enough to be teased about my freckles. So are glasses and braces now a new kid fad? I have seen some of Sisi’s friends wear fake glasses and the thicker the rim of the glasses the cooler you are. Sisi unforuntaly takes after her blind as a bat aunt Evilo and really needs to wear glasses.  

So today is her first appointment at the orthodontist, I already know she will get her wish for braces.  Her teeth really do need some cosmetic help.  Although I’m not looking forward to all the complaining from her once she realizes that having braces isn’t just all looks.  I believe there will be a year or so of torturing in order to get a straight pearly white smile.  

But hey at least she will be cool looking!  

Watch Out Boys, There’s a New Cougar In Town

8 Jul



My mother “Chula” drove down from Baja California (that’s about an 8-9 hour drive from there to here) to visit with us for a day. That’s about as much time as she can afford to give us from her oh so hectic life; why with breakfast with friends, bank runs, lunch with friends, shopping, dinner with friends, who can blame her?  There  just isn’t  enough time in the day for her!  On her way to visit, and on her way home, she likes to stop at Pala Casino Spa Resort for a little R&R before the long drive to and from. Or so she says!  I think it’s because of the soothing sound of the slot machines.

Take in mind that I haven’t seen her since we went to Las Vegas for New Year’s (Pala, Vegas do you see a theme here?) Evilo had mentioned that Chula had lost some weight, but oh boy was I in for a surprise! Let’s just say you could hear the sound of my jaw when it hit the floor, I almost didn’t recognize her.  She looks great!  She has lost a significant amount of weight, has had her hair done and is styling a new wardrobe.  She is smoking hot now! I’m guessing, with her new lease and outlook on life, we will see even less of her now! Kudos mom! Grrrrrrrrr!