Tag Archives: Kitchen

Friday’s First Coffee Run

22 Apr

So I bet a lot of you thought I wouldn’t post today. Well I was right there with you! I thought for sure I would never get the chance to sit down for a minute and type this up quickly. Although my plan was to post this early in the morning, silly me thinking I would give myself a three day weekend therefore having all the time in the world to write today but nooooooo, some people thought it would be a great idea to come in  and work. But it’s a good thing I did come in to work it did get busy and the extra hand was needed. Oh well its over with now.

I can officially start my weekend in 10…9.…8..…7….6.…5….4…..3..…2……1!


But before I get up and speedway I need to tell you about Tuesday. You see Tuesday ended up being a little overcast and it made me want some coffee.  So I thought why not go get some,  so I did just that. I was already out running errands. It was just a matter of time and courage. My next stop was a large office building,  I parked and went inside to look for the kitchen/break room which was no easy task in order to get to it I had to walk thru several hall ways all with office and cubicles on both sides.


After several turns I finally found the kitchenette. I was happy to see that there was no one in the room and that there was a freshly made pot of coffee. It was nice to see that they carried a wide variety of creamers. I chose Irish Cream that day. I did notice that they use Pete’s Coffee which was very tasty.




Isn’t my coffee canister just adorable?

So I filled up my canister and was about to leave when I noticed on the table there were some chocolates! Score! There’s no need to ask or wonder if I took any because the answer is HELL YES! But I had eaten them by the time I remembered to take a picture of them.


So with coffee in hand and chocolates in pocket I left without ever being asked anything.  I would say that my mission this week was accomplished plus extra points for the chocolate.

Here are pictures of the office kitchen where I work. As you can see we have a full blown kitchen  @TCiMaster doesn’t fool around when it comes to cooking or eating.  Cooking is taken very seriously here I’ve said it before on a previous post people have been let go just for bringing McDonalds to the work place.




Well I would love to stay and chat longer but I have a weekend to start and I’m sure you all have places to go and people to see.  So I bid you all a safe and fun Easter Sunday.


Weekly Mission Impossible

7 Apr

I have decided to create a new weekly post. This isn’t going to be just any kind of post! It will be a weekly challenge of courage under relentless pressure, of insurmountable cunningness, the ability to stretch cuteness to unthinkable levels, and the personal strength and unorthodox use of wit and determination to achieve my final goal!

What could this monumental weekly challenge be might you ask? What remarkably extraordinary experiment would require such dexterity, such expertise, such proficient aptitude?

Let us reflect upon the birth of this inspirational contemplation!

A few weeks ago, I had tweeted, in my usual devilishly charming fashion, that in order to save money, and to add a bit more thrill and exhilaration to my day, I would fill my coffee cup from random business’s.

Back Camera

This got me thinking… Could I, little innocent me,  be so smooth, so shrewd and cunning as to inconspicuously walk into an indiscriminatingly random business and fill my mug with their coffee, in plain sight mind you, without being perceptibly noticed or caught?

Huh! Now that I have the challenge,  time to think actual logistics.. Has all the time I’ve spent watching TV and black ops movies been just in vain? Would I be able to a assimilate myself in such a manner as to convince people that I actually belong there? Will I have sufficient technical expertise to functionally understand how to use every type of coffee machine I come across with? Laugh if you will! But it’s a valid concern! Not all coffee machines are alike!  Some are simple pots of coffee on a hot plates, there are commercial types with spigots and such, and lets not forget the super extravagant heavily optioned fancy ones! Heck! You need a degree in engineering from MIT to use the espresso machine at the office! 

So I ask myself…. Can I take such a risk and accept this challenge? Or will I end up  on the 6 o’clock news? I say bring it on! Challenge Accepted!


Every week on  a Friday I will post my coffee adventures.  I’m still undecided what to name such a unique challenge.

Some ideas:

  • Coffee Daredevil
  • Your Joe to Go
  • The Coffee Nabber
  • Pkitass Bean and Gone
  • See You Latte
  • Café I Go Go
  • Lock your Latte

I like most of the names but no one title is screaming at me! I think there is a more befittingly unique title out there! If anyone has any suggestions, then please, I’m all ears.

So to recap! Any day between Monday and Thursday the idea is for me to pick a completely random office or business and simply walk in as if I belonged there, austerely find and continue on to their coffee-break room or kitchen and serve myself a nice delicious cup of coffee.  I will take a picture of the random business’s kitchen or coffee room as proof. However, I will not post any information of the business, just in case someone that actually works there and isn’t simply pretending to belong there, happens to cross upon my blog.  Once my mission is accomplished, I will endeavor to either leave the building with my cup of coffee in hand with a big grin on my face or be caught and humiliated for attempting such an intricately complicated, yet devilishly satisfying, harmless stunt!

I think I should get extra points if I make it all the way to the coffee machine and have to make a new pot of coffee or leave with a pastry in hand.



Please do not attempt this yourself. Attempting this yourself my result in injury or arrest. But if you are crazy enough to do it then don’t forget to take pictures. Smile

I Was Bored

10 Mar


Did you know that everyday there are hundreds of people who go to Google and type in the term “I’m bored“.  I found this out because I was bored as I waited for my daughter to finish on whatever it is she was doing  in the kitchen  and I was wondering what can I do meanwhile on the internet when I’m bored. I  didn’t feel like logging onto Tweeter or checking Facebook yet again. But it turns out a lot of people are looking for fun things to do when bored .

It’s good that bored people have a lot of company; at least they’re not bored and lonely. I also found searches saying “I’m so bored.”  This should make all the “I’m bored” people feel a lot better.  They can say, “Well, at least I’m not so bored.”

And get this…..a whole lot of bored people search for stupid stuff to do when bored.  None of these people search for smart stuff to do when bored.  So does this mean that bored people are stupid?  Or does it mean that bored people are smart but just prefer to do stupid things?  Maybe doing  stupid things are much more fun than doing smart things.

So if you’re really bored, and I’m guessing you are since you are reading this right now, there is a website dedicated to things to do when your bored. I clicked on it and browsed for a bit but then I got bored and left. There  is also one called Bored To Death if you enjoy just looking at photos this one is for you.

Well now I’m bored again, so I’m off to the kitchen I believe there is still some banana cream pie left from dinner.

Mad Scientist At Work

16 Aug

Master has decided to turn everyone in the office into his personal guinea pigs.  Amongst all the other titles he holds: Gigolo, lady killer, God’s gift to women, Daper Don, south of the border he is known as Suavesito, El Don Juan and Papi Chulo; but experimental chef is the one he enjoys using the most.

 And like every great mad scientist throughout history, he too has his secrete lab hidden in the back of the office. It is a fully equipped commercial kitchen that would put most restaurants to shame.  It has practically every piece of heavy duty equipment a trained chef would require, not to mention all the cool tools needed to experiment with the unorthodox science master calls his interpretation of gastronomy!  The office is by no means a restaurant; although we are fully equipped to act like one if needed.  Imagine more a museum of eclectic and unique items in corky yet amazingly classical setting.  As most things in the office are over the top, so is the super kitchen Master calls his lair. We take food very seriously here! Very Seriously! People have been fired for bringing McDonalds to the office! Dominos drivers are afraid to make deliveries on this block!

Master at work, me in the back dancing.

This Saturday Master decided to work on his BBQ technique and purchased half a side of pig to play with. 

I’m not sure what exactly goes on in his lab. All I know is that he started around 1:00 and spent hours mixing spices and herbs. He made dozens of rubs and a myriad of marinades. Sometimes the true mad scientist in him would emerge and he would push the envelope and mix volatile spices together just to see what would happen. Needless to say, the building had to be evacuated more than just once! Thank goodness for that industrial ventilation system in the hood! After hours of work preparing the meat with injections, rubs, and marinades, the ribs were slow smoked for hours and hours. We finally Ate at 8:30! 7 hours of work for super ribs! Can you imagine! Caramelized smoky crust, so succulent that the juices would freely run down the side of your mouth, so tender the luscious meat simply falls of the bone! You don’t even need any teeth!

If being experimented on is going to be like this; this little guinea pig does not want to be freed from the lab. Oink Oink Baby!