Tag Archives: failed mission

Mission Failed

18 Apr

 Hi everbody (waving),

So how was your weekend? You ready for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday? I won’t ask if your ready for Friday I know the answer to that one. HELL YEAH! Bring on Friday. Am I right? Who’s with me? Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday (chanting).


As you all are aware I was suppose to start posting my weekly Coffee challenge this Friday.  But due to circumstances beyond my control I was not able to go out in public this week. If you follow me on Twitter then you most likely heard that I got a stye on my right eye and that it ended up getting infected causing my eye to swell up and giving me that perfect I just got knocked out of the ring look.

This is exactly how I looked

My eye looked so bad that I ended up going to the ER on Sunday. The Doctor told me what it was and that it would take 4-5 days to go away. Since I didn’t feel like getting sued for causing emotional and psychological trauma, this whole week I stayed indoors and kept myself hidden in the shadows, but when I did venture out I used my hair to cover half of my face.  People who did get to see me either thought I was going emo or just a big Justin Beiber fan.

My new Justin Bieber look. I think this look makes me look chic.


Since my eye is much better (thank you for asking), I promise, pinky swear, cross my heart stick a needle in my eye, wait maybe not the needle in my eye part, that I’ll post my coffee challenge results this Friday.   The name is still up in the air its between The Coffee-Con or The Coffee Nabber, maybe Ishould just change the name every Friday some witty or silly title that will be coffee related.

Also I would like to thank Gina  my sweet Twitter friend for being my first guest blogger. Yay!!! If you havent yet read her post please do so here.